Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ok, well, I've decided that everyone I'm sending this blog to understands the beautiful English language pretty well. So I have decided to write in my native tongue. Sorry for the major changes in my blog...e.g. the template is all different, my font, my writing in Americano. Well, I just felt like my blog needed a new look. I mean, after all it has been two weeks since I started doing my blog.
I feel like God has been doing awesome stuff in my life since we got to America. I thought it would be really hard...and it is pretty hard to get used to everything, and being away from my friends hurts. But I feel like God has been taking awesome care of me and my family. I've just felt Him being with me and helping me through things.

First it was with the place we're staying at. We got here in America at about eleven in the night, and I slept the whole way in the car. So when I woke up and got out of the car I saw this awesome house standing before me. It is like in the middle of the woods. It is so awesome!

The second thing was how the Summit Church took care of us and made us feel at home. They left each one of us kids a bag full of all the stuff we like (the most important thing is American candy). And they gave us a car (that we all fit in), a computer, a trampoline, and all these gift certificates for restaurants and cool places. And then, when we went to church they all were so glad to meet us and were really nice. I met this guy named Daniel Elliff. I knew him when I was about 1 or 2 years old, but like, I don't remember him at all. He's a cool guy. He plays guitar and sings in the youth group band so we have something in common. It was so awesome how when I first met him, he came up to me and hugged me and introduced me to everyone! It was awesome. I spent the night at his house and we talked till about 2 in the morning. As if we've been friends for years! I felt kind of bad for the s though. They didn't have anyone to pull them into it, like I had Daniel. But we went to youth group (which is called "the Spot") last Wednesday and had small groups and they met people right away. It was awesome. They have a band which I would like to be a part of. But not yet. I gotta wait a while before I get in. Tomorrow we go to "the Spot" again so that'll be cool.

Another thing is what God's been doing in my life. I just really feel like God's called me closer to him than I have ever been. It's been awesome. I've been reading reading James (which I recommend) and now I've started 1 Peter. I encourage all you out there to read your Bibles and just have a great relationship with God. Cuz, I mean, it's been awesome!

So it has been a great time so far. I really miss everyone over in Europe. But this is the place God wants me to be and I'm good with that.

Well, that's pretty much all that's been going on. We just went over to El Dorado (a little town about 2 hours from Little Rock) to visit our greatgrandma and grandparents. Our greatgrandma is awesome. She is so funny. She took us out for Chinese at this awesome chinese buffet place. And we totally stuffed ourselves. All the working out my dad and me have been doing.....well.....I guess it was all for nothing cus we ate....a lot. I felt sick after that. I guess it's not that good for you. But hey! I mean, I wasn't paying while you can!!!!
I met this cool guy there named Elliott. It's like Elliot but with another "t". As you can plainly see. I can rhyme!!! haha!!! But anyways he's a cool guy. We had a lot of fun at Taco Bell pooring "fire" salsa on Susannah. It was nice....he plays trumpet. And I've been thinking about starting trumpet cuz it's a sweet instrument. He let me play a little bit and I got like one note out of it. I think it was a C. yeah. We're probably going to go to a camp with the church from that town. He's going to be there and also my cousins. They're awesome!
It seems like I've been writing a lot. And Dad wants me to go sweep the kitchen. I go!


  • At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hudsie, it feels really great to read this the first thing after coming to work. Yeah yeah, i know what time it is ;) Anyway, i'm glad that God takes care of you in such !awesome! ways. (Do you know you used that word 12 times? So it must be true then ;)).
    Y'know, when you were leaving i really hoped you would spend amazing time in America and it's good to hear that my wish has come true for you. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all the !awesome! thing in your life. Thanks for writing this blog for us :)

    God bless
    Peto P.

    PS: like the new look of the blog
    Awesome! ;)

  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger Jennie said…

    I'm so glad to hear how God has been working in your life this past month. I can relate to how your feeling. It's not easy going back to the States, but God is good! My one year back in the states on home assignment, when I resented returning, turned out to be one of the best years of my life! I hope that you can say the same...and all because God is God!
    It's really cool to know that you've made a good friend! =) It always helps to have someone that can just pull you right in...someone that you connect with...and feel like you've known for ages! That's really "awesome"!
    Well, I have to get going. The firemen are going to be here soon. Yeah! We have these HUMONGOUS bees living in a hole in our house that they are going to knock dead! Corey wanted me to videotape it (he's at the Hash's) but I'm not sure if I have the guts to get out there and tape the guys killing bees. Haha!
    Have a great week!

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger beccafredo said…

    Huds I love the new look...the blog's I mean. =) And I love hearing things you're learning and thinking about. Thanks for telling us about them! I'm really glad the church there is being the body of Christ to you guys!

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    Hey man! Awesome template! And yay for long posts! =)


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