Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ok guys, so I guess I'm going to post here again.
I know I just posted last week, but a lot has happened since then.
Well, first of all there was Sunday. Sunday was an extremely awesome day. We went to church and Kyle Rino spoke. He's this guy from Alabama that does the college and missions stuff for our church. It was really good. After church I went to Applebee's with the eleventh graders. Yes, the eleventh grade guys! Isn't that awesome? They're so hot.....(yes, Taylor I know you're reading this right now). No, I'm just kidding....I hang out with them a lot. So yeah, we went out to eat and then went over to Daniel Byrum's house (that's the worship leader's son...for those of you who are in Europe). It was me, Daniel, Taylor (he's this awesome musical genius mind freak carzy loud guy....he's posted a lot on my blog, so that's who that is if you were wondering. "I love you Taylor!"), and then Caleb (the bass player - another awesome guy), and Brian (the worship leader for our youth group). We kind of just hung out and played around on the keyboard and drums for a while but then we decided - well, actually it was Taylor's idea - to play some sweet jazz. So I got on the keys, Daniel got on the drums, and Taylor rocked the djembe and also did a little background vocals. It was so freakin' awesome! We played some songs that I made and then "In the waiting line" by Zero 7. It was sweet. We want to get together again and record some stuff, but this time with Caleb (because he had to leave earlier), I'm hoping that'll happen sometime soon.
The second thing we had was youth group this Wednesday. We're doing a new series on Friends. It's really cool. There have been a lot of changes in the way everything works but they're awesome. One of the things was that there are more games. So this week, before everything started, there was this bowl full of little pieces of paper in front up on the stage. They told us to sign up in pairs (we didn't even know what it was though). =) So of course, Taylor and I, being the stupid crazy guys that we are, signed up. And we got picked!!!! happy times.......So we go up there with two other couples that also got picked and they uncover these tables that are up there.....and tadaaaaa! there are 6 bowl thingies full of water with three goldfish in each thing. The goal of the game was to get all our goldfish into these other empty bowls first - but we could only use our mouths!!!!!!!! And guess what we won!!! It was really took me a while to get it, but then I figured that the key is to suck them up. it worked....
And they even gave us a prize!!!! two goldfish - that I have been trying to keep alive...they won't eat the bread I gave them...hmph....
Right after youth group we went to choir practice, because there is going to be a Christmas program at the church and they asked some of the youth to sing. I've never sung in a choir thingie like that so it's gonna be fun for me. I love doing harmonies and stuff. We're only going to do two songs though. But then, right when we were about to leave, Jerry Byrum (the worship leader) came up to me and asked me if I want to play piano for this other Christmas song thing! So that's awesome! I already learned the song. It's pretty sweet. There is going to be an orchestra kind of thing too...(Taylor's in it) I'm really excited about what is going on. It's awesome!
So guys, comment this time....I know that some of you have commented...but I only got 6 comments last time, and that includes the one that I wrote too! please write...
It would make me ever so merry, and gleeful, joyous, and cheerful, and...........delighted.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ok, so everybody has been asking me for pictures. And we just went to the Christmas parade on Saturday, so here are some nice pictures from there. Corrie's going to put some Christmas tree decorating ones on her blog, so you can check that at

- ok so first of all...this is our new car. God was so awesome and provided us with a great car!

- notice here that they're selling ice cold lemonade! and it was freezing that day!

- haha, this was one of my favorites. it was a really good band! and they were nuts! doing all these crazy dances and things. Especially the girl in the front.

- another picture of the band

- here's a close-up of that girl. She was really getting into it. =)

- a different band leader, guy, dude...

- this was a just a sweet car that I liked. =)

Friday, December 01, 2006

.:my little project I did while I was bored:.
Hello Everyone and Everyone...
How are you? Please, it would be nice if some of you posted this time. I know that a few of you did post on my last blog thingie (and you shall receve rewards for that....) but it's really nice to get on the internet and look at my blog and see that so many people post on my blog. I like hearing from all you guys....and I made it so anyone can post. Not just people that are members of blogger....anyone! And that means you! Yes, you...
So post and be happy! (That's my motto)

Sorry for not writing in so long. I just kind of got out of writing. Tho I'm thorry about that, guyth...I'll try to keep up more.
Ok, so what's been going on in my life? Hm...ah yes!
We went down to El Dorado, Arkansas for thanksgiving this year. It was really fun because that's where our grandparents and our great-grandma live. And we've never had thanksiving with them, so it was really fun!
We had a lot of food. And of course I ate a ton and stuffed myself....we had leftovers for the whole time we were there. That was until Saturday afternoon. But I think they're still probably eating leftovers. Poor guys. It was really good food though. Especially this salad thing that my grandma made, but I really don't know what it's called, so I guess you'll never know either. Well, that is, unless she tells you guys, but 95% of the people that read this blog don't even know my grandma so it'll be pretty hard to ask her, that is, unless I give you her email, but I don't have her email, and even if I did I wouldn't give it to you. So sorry. Anyway, that was pretty fun...we raked leaves at their house, swang on the big tire swing, and went to this cool musem about Arkansas. I was glad about that because that counted as our school and it was pretty cool. So we missed a whole day of school to go to a museum for a few hours. =) Lucky homeschoolers....
On Saturday morning we went over to some of our friends over there that have horses and fourwheelers. So I rode the fourwheelers through the woods and's fun. I wish they had fourwheelers back in Slovakia.
Ok guys, guess what? It snowed! Yes! Here in Little Rock! Isn't that awesome! It snowed last night, but then it all melted right when it hit the ground...but it snowed!!!!!! Hahahahaha! I was so happy...I started dancing around outside on the wet ground in my socks. It was about at 10 p.m. Today it's pretty cold. The sun is shining though, but it's still cold. I don't have a winter coat, because I grew out of my old one. Yes, don't worry guys, I am still growing...
Well, I'll post soon....but there's nothing much to talk about right now. So, I'll write later when something extraordinarily significant happens.