Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok, everyone, well, this might be a little diferent than the usual posts that I do. But here it goes.
So, um...the past two weeks we've been having this revival thing going on at our church. Life Action Revival Ministries came, and every night for two weeks we went to church and had "revival". I have been thinking about life and everything a lot lately. I read my Bible, pray, and go to church, but it seemed to me that there was something more. I am a Christian and everything, but I've just noticed that I'm in all kinds of sin. They handed out these little pieces of paper one of the nights, and on that paper were 78 sins that people do. We were supposed to look at it, and put a check by every one that we had done in the last year. I don't remember exactly how many I had, but it was a lot! I couldn't believe it! So then the whole week I kept thinking about myself, how bad I was, how much I sin, how I can stop doing those sins...and all that. I kept asking God to change me and make me stop sinning, but I never could really get it. So the whole rest of the Revival I was kind of mad and just feeling all weird, because everyone was having a great time doing revival and nothing was going on in me. The last meeting was on Sunday night, and ever since then I have had these weird feelings and stuff. It's kind of hard to explain. I was just confused and mad and I was wanting to know what that something more was. I hear all these great stories about Godly people, and what they did, and everything...and then I look at myself and say..."Is this really how a Christian is supposed to be?"
Tonight we had youth group again. And I was feeling kind of weird. I just didn't want to really think about it and I was all tired and weird. Even during small group...but then Troy (our youth pastor) spoke. He talked to us about grace. He was saying that even if we checked ALL of those 78 sins on that list...God can still use us. Troy used Paul as an example. Paul was a bad guy...before he became a Christian. He was a Christian killer! He killed Christians! I mean, that was so bad it wasn't even on the list of those 78 sins! He also used the example of the potter and the clay in Jeremiah 18. The potter was making the pot out of clay, but then he saw that there was something in it that was bad, so he had to break it down, and he made something beautiful out of it. And God can do the same with us!
And then it just hit me! It was so weird....but awesome! It was just like it was with Paul! Paul wasn't expecting God to come to him when he was going to Damascus. But God came when he wasn't expecting it. And God changed him. I mean, Paul later went on to write almost the whole New Testament. Isn't that awesome??!!! And He can do the same with us! I'm finally understanding everything. It's not about me. It's not about what I do, or how I can make myself better. It's all about his grace. That's all we need in our lives. His grace is sufficient for us.
I'm so thankful to God that He's showing me this right now in my life! It's so awesome! I have total peace about everything now! Praise God!=) He brought us to the US for a purpose. And this was my purpose. To understand his grace. I never thought I would, but it was just like with Paul. When I was least expecting it, God just came to me and showed me...It's so cool.
Thankyou everyone for your prayers. I love all of you.
Thanks God!

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in every weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
II Corinthians 12:9


  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger Hannah said…

    Hey Hudson!
    WOW! That was really awesome to read about. I am so happy you are experiencing all of this and through it getting closer to God!

  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger Tyler said…

    that's awesome! God's totally gonna use you this year while you're in the States! I can't wait to hear what else He's got in store for you!

  • At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To je uzasne! Boh ti nie len ukazal tvoj hriech, ale este ovela viac ukazal svoju nekonecnu milost, vdaka ktorej sme slobodni. Dokonca omnoho viac nez to - sme Jeho deti :) Velmi sa tesim, ze zazivas take veci. [petoP]


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