Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Friday, September 29, 2006

"MUDBOWL 2006"

Ok guys! Sorry that I haven't posted for a while now. But I was waiting for this event to happen first.
Mudbowl is this "bowl of mud" that happens every year at the Summit Church around this time. Like I said it's this huge bowl of mud that about 150 people got into Wednesday night. Corrie, Suska, Hannah, and I went. It was should I put it....GROSS!!! I mean, really. It was so awesome though. So...I came up there looked at it and tried it out! Right when I put my foot in BAM! someone just totally tackled me and smashed me into the mud. I don't even remember who it was! It felt nice until I got out of the mud and I found out that my eyes were full of it and it stung like....really bad! I started screaming and running around saying "help! help! Water please...*gollum, gollum*" Ok maybe not that, but I really did need water. Fortunately they had water hoses there. So I sprayed my face and all was ok.
Then came the bellyflop contest. Now, guys, I just want to point out to you that the water was only about a foot deep and then there was a lot of mud under it. But there were some places that were really hard and some of the parts still had rocks stuck in the mud. (I stepped on one and made a hole in my foot...but let's go back to the bellyflops that I was writing about in the first sentence of this paragraph....thankyou.) So there was a contest to see who could do the best belly flop into the mud. Haha....some guys were so good at it....It was so awesome! So I went with Daniel and Will (he's a guy from the Academy). We were all supposed to go alone but we went together....(haha tricksssy usss) But it ended up stupid anyway, because there was no room for us to do the bellyflop....So mine was like a half-bellyflop....but then I did a few handstands and cartweels so that kind of evened it out. And then my eyes hurt even more. But the bad thing was that THIS TIME THE HOSES WERE OFF!!!! They didn't work...sniff....It was so bad. So we didn't win. This guy won that did this awesome bellyflop...well, hm....I think it was more of a neckflop. I seriously thought he broke his neck or he won. Then Daniel tried to dunk me into the mud. But I was to quick for him. I tripped him, threw him in the mud, grapped his head and started smashing and dunking it into the mud (you know, like what Fezzak did to Inigo in "The Princes Bride" when he was trying to wake him up) The bad thing was that I did it right in front of the girl that he likes. Oops...She saw the whole thing. Poor Daniel. Haha but it was funny. =) So then I was walking around kinda hanging out with the other guys when suddenly I felt this body smash me and hands grapped me by the hair and started dunking my head into the water. I vaguely remember thinking "Hm....I guess this must be Daniel getting back at me for getting him. hm....true true..." And I was right. He got me pretty good. So I felt a little better after that knowing that we were even.
The dumb thing was that we had to go because it started raining and they didn't want any of us to get hit by that'll ever happen. So, we went over to the church parking lot and took a few pictures of me, and Seth, and Corrie, and Kailey going crazy. We jumped on this girl's car and got it all muddy. It was nice and white until we did it. It looked so awesome. So after that we had to go. I went over to Daniel's house with Will because we were going to do homework for Academy together and then go the next morning. So we got to his house and took showers. It felt so good. I had water in my eyese nose and ears....all over....
Then we did homework together. Which took us about two hours. Will brought twelve liters of Vault. Haha...He drink five....hmph....and Daniel and I only got 3 and a half. But I think Daniel should only have gotten one cuz he got so hyper. Like I mean really...he went nuts. You guys know that I'm hyper and weird but I mean Daniel was crazy!!! He got a BB gun and started shooting us....I was so freaked out and got behind this pillow. Then we tried to settle him down by watching Kingdom of Heaven. That's an awesome movie by the way. So we finished that and Daniel's like: "WOW, that's an awesome movie!" So he ran over and got a wooden sword that his brother had and started hitting us. I still have a cut on my arm. Then we remembered that we still had more homework in our Academy Theater/Drama class! The problem was that it was 3:30 A.M. already! NOT! So Daniel and I worked and worked....and I finally finished but he still had some stuff to do so I was beating Need For Speed Underground 2 for him. Since I am like the dominator in that game. So then we went to bed finally at 6:05. I got in a big bed with Daniel since Will had already been in lala land in the other bed since 4. But you don't know if you've ever done it before but it is kind of weird when you sleep in the same bed with another I decided to sleep on the floor. And Daniel's like: "oh you don't have to do that. We've got another mattres...." "Why didn't you tell me that before??!!"
So I slept on the mattress on the floor for what seemed like ten minutes until his dad woke us up to go to school. Haha....well, that was really weird. Cuz we were still acting kind of crazy from the Vault and school was actually fun this time. There's a piano there, so I played and sang and Daniel danced and sang and all the teachers and students thought we were weird and funny so it was awesome.
Ok, well, that's probably the longest thing I've written here on my blog. Corrie has all the pictures on her blog. So just go to
I was going to put some of them on my blog, but something is up an they're not uploading so just check them out there. Sorry!
I hope you enjoyed this latest post by Hachi.


  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Hannah said… are CRAZY!!! And always have been!!! It is really late here and everyone else is sleeping...of course I can't I'm just reading a book! Haha! WEll,have a great day!

  • At 2:31 AM, Blogger Tyler said…

    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.................. well i'm home sick today....... so i'm a little

  • At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    man.. thats like my dream.. rolling around in a bowl of mud for hours... *sigh*..


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