Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Well, I guess I haven't written anything for a while now. Sorry guys, it's just that I'm not really a good writer. I can talk for hours and stuff. But when it comes to writing. Well, I don't know. So here's a little update. I'll try to write something nice and long like the rest of you people out there competing with me and my blog. Hmph...

School has been good so far. There are advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling. It's ok. This whole next week I don't have school because my cousins are visiting over here. So we're not doing school!
Last week we started a thing called "Academy". Corrie might have told you about it but nevertheless, I will have my say (or write) in it too.
Academy is this thing for homeschoolers so they don't always have to have school at home. And also so they can meet other homeschoolers like themselves. So, every Thursday we meet at this church about 15 minutes from here. It's all set up for us to go to our classes that we have. My classes are Theater/Drama (it's really cool, we're like acting and stuff...and Daniel Elliff goes to it too since he homeschools also), then I have 9th grade writing (haha, shhh, don't tell anyone I'm in 10th grade....hehe....I'm glad I'm in 9th grade writing though.....cuz it's not as hard...yesssss), American Government (I don't know about that...I hope it'll turn out ok), Biology (it's pretty much labs only. I do all the other work at home. Oh, that reminds me...I gotta go study.), and my last hour is Practical Finance (it's pretty cool, I'm going to learn how to make money....that's always good). So I went this last Thursday. I guess it was ok for the first day. There are a lot of weird people there though. Like I mean, um...well, I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, but I guess it's because they've been homeschooled all their lives and they just don't know how to act when other people are around. So...I guess I'll have to get used to them. But I guess it went ok.

Another fun thing that I did was this weekend. We went to church and then we stayed for lunch there because Emily's Sunday school class had some party or something. I don't even know what it was. I just went there for the Dominoe's Pizza. It was good. So, then I was going to stay at the church until band practice started, because I was just going to watch the band play. I'm not going to play for a while. So I stayed and Corrie was with me too. We played pool, I was trying to get the XBOX and the PS2 in the church to work....but all the games were dumb...and the only games that were cool didn't work. So, I decided to go on an expedition through the church to find a piano. And I found one that was available. So I sat down and played for a few hours....because band practice started at 3 and it was around one or something...So that was fun. In the end I ended up not going to practice though because two of the youth leaders (Dave and Blake...they're awesome) needed me to film a video thing for them for the youth weekend next weekend. They dressed up as these gross guys (Joe Bill and Joe Jim...I was Joe Joe and Corrie was Joe Mama! Even though we weren't in the movie it was fun to have those names...=) , they put on these tanktops, huge hiking boots, long wool socks, and made moustaches and beards....with markers, and Blake got a wig and made himself a mullet out of it. So it was sweet. And I was filming them throwing things off the balcony of the church into the parking lot to see if it exploded (watermelon, Coke, Rootbeer with mentos in it, watermelon totally wrapped up in duct tape, 5 galons of chocolate pudding, a computer and monitor - that was my idea....)
And they all blew up! Except for the duct tape watermelon. I was surprised it held it.
So I filmed it all. It was pretty sweet. Then we had to clean all the stuff off of the church parking lot (we were all eating it too....the mentos were especially good). Then I went inside and watched the band play. And then Corrie and her friend asked me to help with the kids that evening, because the s had small groups and they needed kid-watchers. So I helped. I had the three and four year olds. It was awesome. I love little kids. We had a lot of fun. Daniel helped me after he was done with band practice. We made up all these crazy games and stuff. And the cool thing is that we even get paid for it. Haha! Isn't that sweet?
"Yeah, it is Hudson"
"Really? Cool, thanks"
"You're welcome man, anytime..."
So I guess that on Sundays I'm going to be at the church pretty much all day. I like that!
That's pretty much all that happened. I'm going to do something. I don't know what. But I'm going to do it anyway.
I love all you guys.
Oh yeah, one more thing the Poopsmith on ROCKS!!!


  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Jennie said…

    Nice post, Hudson! It sounds like you had quite the Sunday! For some reason, I can totally see you filming two crazy (but cool sounding) guys smashing various items by throwing them from the balcony of a church...and taking care of 3 and 4 year olds! Kids love you! =)
    Glad to hear you're enjoying this year so far in the States!

  • At 3:01 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    haha...don't know how to write long my buttocks...=) Glad you're having a fun time! Enjoy your school-less week...I'm not that far into school that i'm jealous of you yet! =)
    talk to you later...

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    and of course the poopsmith rocks! =)


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