Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hey Everyone!
Well, this weekend has been awesome for me. Thanks everyone for prayers and stuff. I just had a really great time at DV8.
It started on Friday night at 11:00. We got there and got registrated. And then went in for the first session. They invited a worship leader for the weekend. He was really good. His name is Scott Tsakeres and he plays guitar extremely well. And he can sing to. It was just him and his guitar and no band, but it was still awesome. He played mainly David Crowder stuff. It was nice. Then the speaker came. His name is Wally Macaluso. He was awesome too. He talked about being a servant of God...and just doing what he wants. Like he used the verse in James 1 about faith without works. If we say we have faith but it doesn't show in our lives it's not faith. It was cool thinking about that...
Then all of the small groups went into certain homes. I went to this guy's house that's in my small group. It was a really nice house. I really got close to this guy named Seth Miller. He's pretty cool. We wanted to sleep that night, but in the end we stayed up all night, which was a pretty stupid idea. We drank lots of coke and root beer, played pool, (he had pool at his house!!!), watched TV, and played Call of Duty 2. Which was pretty sweet after I found out that even when you're playing for the Germans you can have a sniper. Without a sniper rifle...I'm nothing...
Then I taught Seth how to play "The Scientist" and "Bad Day" on the piano. Which was awesome because Seth knew nothing on the piano...and he learned it so fast. He was pretty good!
So we were up all night and then the next morning we ate an awesome breakfast! Every breakfast food that you can imagine was was so cool. After that we had small group discusion/reading time. Our youth leaders Blake&Blake did that. Then we went back to the church and had lunch, watched the Razorbacks beat some other team....they told us to make a video that afternoon in our free time. So we made this weird was monty python/midgets/snakes and stuff....all combined together. Patrick, the guy with the house, has a python...he was cool....he almost choked me when I put him around my neck but he was nice. We named him DV. (short for David Vaughn). And in the end of the movie that we made.....well, I'll just say that "DV 8 Pelican" Pelican is this guys DV8 him. It was sweet.
Then we ate supper and had another session. It was awesome for me. Wally just kind of repeated the stuff he said the previous night and added some more things. then he gave us some time to pray...we walked around the whole room and prayed for and with each other. It was so powerful. We went 3 hours longer than we were supoosed to. It was really great for me.
So, very late that night we went back to that guys house and played some more Call of duty and pool. And then I went to bed. I was so tired....I was up for about 40 hours....oh was bad. Blake #2 woke us up the next morning to tell us that we needed to get up earlier to clean up all the junk that some people left because they T.P.'ed us...(how in the world do you spell that...please someone tell me). So we cleaned it all up...ate some awesome breakfast which was even better this time since we got Krispy Kream Doughnuts....aaaaahhhh...yes. Oh yeah, and we never really did figure out who "left all the crap on our porch"....the toilet paper job I mean.
We cleaned up everything, packed our stuff, and went to the morning session. "Scottie so Hottie" played music again and Wally spoke. Then they said who won the contest for best movie. The 12th grade guys won. Ours was the best though....
It was just an awesome time for me. I wish it could've been longer...and...the bad thing is that tomorrow is school. The theme was "PLUG IN". And that's exactly what it was....I plugged in to God. I feel so great right now. So thankyou everyone for prayers and stuff.
I love you guys a lot and miss you.
Yours truly,
Pretty Boy


  • At 3:41 AM, Blogger Tyler said…

    wow! that sounds like a lot of fun! not much interesting going on around here........................................................................................

  • At 5:24 AM, Blogger Hannah said…

    Hey Pretty Boy!
    Thanks for sharing all of that with all of us, I am happy to hear about how connected you were to God this weekend, I was really praying for that! And I will keep praying that you stay connected to him, because as you already's amazing what you can experience with God when you have a relationship with him! I can't wait for your next post!
    And I am still waiting for that nickname...=)

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Corrie said…

    wow hudson that is great! i sooo
    wish I could havebeen there....oh wait....I was there....haha I'm sooo funny.
    Love ya,

  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    um sorry that peviouse post was from me not from calentarwen.
    see ya,

  • At 7:42 AM, Blogger beccafredo said…

    Hey Huds, sounds like a great experience, so glad you got to do that! I've been praying you'll know the presence of Jesus even in a "strange land" and I'm so happy to hear how you are.
    sure miss you guys here!

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger Why said…

    Hello this is Matthew Price just saying "hi".

    Sounds like DV8 was a really great experience and I hope the rest of your time in the States goes as well as this first bit.

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Tyler said…

    dude! it's almost been two weeks since you last posted! get busy! =)))


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