Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thursday night. 7:30 P.M. About fifteen of us sitting in Alltel arena in Little Rock, AR. Anticipation and impatience is in the air. Suddenly...the lights go on and the music starts....

Wow, guys, I could be a writer or something. Didn't it just feel like you were right there with me? =) Ok, maybe not, was close.
On Thursday night I went with Corrie, Suska, Dad & Mom, Kailey, Seth, and about ten other people to a Third Day/David Crowder Band/Hyperstatic Union concert. It was awesome! So we got there and found our seats which were pretty good. The whole concert was for Third Day's tour....but they invited two other bands to play too. The first band was Hyperstatic Union. I've never heard of them, they're not very known...but they were really good! They only played four songs though which was kind of dumb. But they were really good songs. I think I might get their CD if I can find it somewhere in stores. Then came David Crowder Band. If you think the album is awesome you have to see them in concert! They were two times better than awesome...uh...yeah...
That's mainly why I went to the concert. The played about seven songs....maybe a little more.....they played "I saw the Light" with the banjo thingie and the ucaleylee...whatever thing...and that was awesome...but they played even the old ones like "Sing like the Saved" and "No One Like You"....It was cool watching them play those because the Chlapci band back in Slovakia played those same songs.....and David Crowder was "almost" as good as us....he needs to practice more. But I really did like his jacket.....
Then there was a fifteen minute break and after that came Third Day. I've never really been a big fan of Third Day but they weren't bad. Their production team and the technical side of the concert was extremely good...they had alll these awesome lights and's hard to explain....I really thought their piano player was pretty good though. He played a nice song....
So, to sum it all up, the concert was awesome.....for me mostly because of David Crowder...he's my idol. (no, I'm just kidding...Jesus is)
On Friday night Daniel came over for the night. My parents were gone for supper so we had a party. He and I recorded a song that I made....but without the words.....I'm most likely going to think them up tonight. hehehe....probably not...So, he brought his Game Cube and everything and I was hoping to play play NFSU 2 once more......but he forgot the freakin' cable to hook it up....aaaaggghhh.....the pain....So we were just hanging out and then Corrie came home and she brought Seth and we had an even bigger party. We jumped on the trampoline and I forgot how to do the sideflip....oh sniff.....hmph. Oh yeah, for some reason they bought some goldfish....GOLDFISH???? Yep, "just for fun" they we were torturing the goldfish (which I thought was so sad...animals are God's creatures....they even killed one of them....on accident though)and playing with axes and leaf blowers and Corrie's bow....hey, wouldn't you if your parents were gone? And then our parents drove we decided to we went inside and watched "The Emperor's New Groove" which is an awesome movie...haha...I love Kronk.
So today we woke up in the living room. Daniel and I slept down here because Elliot was up in his room and we thought that it would be fun....the couches are actually really nice...we ate a nice breakfast of eggs and biscuits..."we saved some for you, mr. Frodo...." and played some music again....Daniel brought his guitar so we got bored so we took our money and decided to drive to a Burger we asked our parents to drive us there and drop us off and then we were going to go to the Guitar Center and jam a bit...."a bit...a bit.....yes....but she does have a wart" but neither Dad nor Mum could take Dad had this geniously ingenious idea....."go on your bikes boys.....when I was your age, we didn't even have cars..." So, we, being the smart men that we are, accepted his offer....I knew the way....but forgot that it took thirty minutes to get there IN THE CAR!!!! and we went on our bikes...."big red light there, hudson".....It tooks us two and a half hours to get there.....through the hills and stuff.....Tyler, this might have reminded you of that time when I forgot to get off the bus in Frydlant.....AND WALKED FOR HOURS!!!!! aahhhh...good times, good we were dying.....and then suddenly Daniel said "look"!!!! (enter dramatic music...think of LOTR soundtrack) and there it was......the King of Burgers....right there waiting for us.....oh...what a sight for sore eyes. So we ate and drank and ate.....and then bum bum to the Guitar Center.....he played some guitar and I played some piano then he played some piano and I played some guitar then he played some drums and I walked around and then we played some piano together.....we were there for about two hours when we noticed that the sun was going we got on our bikes and started the long journey back home.....we were riding into the sunset which was pretty sweet except for the fact that the sun was right in our eyes.....but the journey home was easier...especially since Corrie met us half way with the car.....hehehe..tricksy usss.....So that was pretty much my day were fun......
I hope you enjoyed this post.....
Oh's a little thing for you....Well, we stopped at Wal Mart for some water and I found the Continuum album.....I had twenty dollars in my pocket and I thought "well, this is the right time...." So I grabbed it and was going to buy it...but then I had another thought...."how am I going to hold this beautiful thing while riding on my bike without ruining it?" So I didn't buy it...I'm sorry.....I will soon.....
Love you guys...
Pretty Boy


  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger Hannah said…

    Hey Hudson! Sounds like you are having so much fun! YAY! I would probably die riding on my bike for 2 1/2 hours! We ate at Kentucky fried chicken yesterday...nothing compared to Taco Bell or ...well...I dont like burger king but any other american fast food. Can't wait to hear more! ANd by the way...I saw what you posted on Tyler's blog...and I will try to get some really wierd pictures of him when I see him today! Okay!?
    Talk to you soon!

  • At 1:26 AM, Blogger Tyler said…

    soon, soon! ASAP! Kwiklee mahn! =)

  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Hudson said… guys...ok I will get it "kwiklee" then....all those tracks are good? But that's like the whole album...haha...

  • At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey do you have myspace
    "oh yeah, its all comin together", kronk

  • At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh yeah and hannah
    be thankful for Kentucky Fried Chiken
    they dont have it here in croatia!!!
    actually i think its Kitchen For Chicken now cus Kentucky was somehow racist

  • At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh yeah and hannah
    be thankful for Kentucky Fried Chiken
    they dont have it here in croatia!!!
    actually i think its Kitchen For Chicken now cus Kentucky was somehow racist

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I can't beliove you acctually rode your bikes......if you were just a little bit intellegent like me you would have rodenn the tractor

  • At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice i like the way you put our story it's almost like we are frodo and sam and we are ona journey far far away(except it wasn't really that far awaY)
    oh and you forgot to put the part when we had to stop a couple of times because i had to go well...5 times.
    anyways c ya wedsnesday.

  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger Corrie said…'re awesome! You made me laugh like a mad woman...oh wait, i am a mad woman!

  • At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    give me some more... how's it goin'?


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