Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hey everyone!

It snowed! I can't believe it! This is like crazy, because I thought it would never snow....but it did. And I'm happy. =) With a smiley face. I think a lot of us are happy. I went out and took some pictures and threw my first snowball of this year. It felt good....I hit the window.

The pictures aren't I guess I'll have to describe it for you. Well, it's about 10:28 P.M. over here and it's pretty dark outside, except for the snow - which is white. So yeah, that's pretty much it. It's pretty pretty. I like snow...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Here's me in my new hat posing with my cousin....
My birthday...oh yeah, and hers too....
Covered with Xmas wrappings....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hey Everybody!
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in so long! We've been gone for a while.
On the 21st of December we went up to Kansas City. (the trip was so long!) We got to the house we were staying at (a church there let us have their guest house), ate supper, and headed straight for the airport to pick up Dawson. It was so awesome being with him again after such a long time. So for a few days we just hung out at that house, we went to church, and that Sunday - which was also Christmas Eve - we had a mexican fiesta for supper and it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I like Mexican is very good and tasty. After we ate we had our own "little" christmas celebration because the next we were going to do it with other family. It was so awesome! We all got a lot of awesome gifts. I got a ticket to Atlanta to go to Passion from my mom and dad. I couldn't believe it!!! Awesome...
The next day we went over to our cousins, played football, Battlefront (which was really fun playing against Dawson), and ate food.....after that we each had a person that we bought a present for. It was really fun. Then we sang Christmas carols as I played on the piano trying to figure them out as we went along...hehe
Then the next day we went over to their house again, well, actually, I spent the night, and we had a huge Christmas Dinner. I don't know why, but I always feel sick after eating on Thanksgiving and must have something to do with the weather.
It was really fun hanging out with family, and we got to hang out more with some of our cousins at our friends' house there in Kansas City. It was really nice! Suska and I celebrated our birthdays there! I'm 16 now!!!! It was fun....I got three hats for my birthday, two from my cousins and one from Corrie (it has the passion thing on it). All of them are awesome! I also got alot of other cool presents, like a watch, and a ticket to Eragon, and a whole box of Dr. Pepper cans...sweeeeet!!!
After that we flew to Atlanta where Passion was going to take place. It was so cool. We got to the Airport and met the guys we were staying with (Shaneski & Timski). I stayed with Shane the first few days and then stayed at Tim's.
We figured out that it wasn't possible for me to go to Passion though, so I stayed with the Woodalls for those two days. It was better than I thought it would be. I wasn't really bored because I had XBOX (and played Halo 2 for the whole day), and also a guitar...and then TV.
Wednesday was my birthday. My real I got to go to Passion that last night because it was was pretty sweet. We also ate at this steakhouse. It was so good! I stayed at the Hotel that the guys from Slovakia stayed at that night. It was a really nice hotel.
Then we got to do all kinds of awesome things over there in Atlanta (meeting Marian Hossa - the best player in the NHL who's a Slovak!, goign to the Thrashers game, playing WhirlyBall, Bowling, going to the World of Coke, the Bigest Aquarium in the World....etc.) Really cool stuff!!!
So even though I didn't get to go to Passion it was still awesome to hang out with friends from Slovakia and Atlanta too!!! I had a lot of fun!
I gotta go now! We're doing school again....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ok guys, so I guess I'm going to post here again.
I know I just posted last week, but a lot has happened since then.
Well, first of all there was Sunday. Sunday was an extremely awesome day. We went to church and Kyle Rino spoke. He's this guy from Alabama that does the college and missions stuff for our church. It was really good. After church I went to Applebee's with the eleventh graders. Yes, the eleventh grade guys! Isn't that awesome? They're so hot.....(yes, Taylor I know you're reading this right now). No, I'm just kidding....I hang out with them a lot. So yeah, we went out to eat and then went over to Daniel Byrum's house (that's the worship leader's son...for those of you who are in Europe). It was me, Daniel, Taylor (he's this awesome musical genius mind freak carzy loud guy....he's posted a lot on my blog, so that's who that is if you were wondering. "I love you Taylor!"), and then Caleb (the bass player - another awesome guy), and Brian (the worship leader for our youth group). We kind of just hung out and played around on the keyboard and drums for a while but then we decided - well, actually it was Taylor's idea - to play some sweet jazz. So I got on the keys, Daniel got on the drums, and Taylor rocked the djembe and also did a little background vocals. It was so freakin' awesome! We played some songs that I made and then "In the waiting line" by Zero 7. It was sweet. We want to get together again and record some stuff, but this time with Caleb (because he had to leave earlier), I'm hoping that'll happen sometime soon.
The second thing we had was youth group this Wednesday. We're doing a new series on Friends. It's really cool. There have been a lot of changes in the way everything works but they're awesome. One of the things was that there are more games. So this week, before everything started, there was this bowl full of little pieces of paper in front up on the stage. They told us to sign up in pairs (we didn't even know what it was though). =) So of course, Taylor and I, being the stupid crazy guys that we are, signed up. And we got picked!!!! happy times.......So we go up there with two other couples that also got picked and they uncover these tables that are up there.....and tadaaaaa! there are 6 bowl thingies full of water with three goldfish in each thing. The goal of the game was to get all our goldfish into these other empty bowls first - but we could only use our mouths!!!!!!!! And guess what we won!!! It was really took me a while to get it, but then I figured that the key is to suck them up. it worked....
And they even gave us a prize!!!! two goldfish - that I have been trying to keep alive...they won't eat the bread I gave them...hmph....
Right after youth group we went to choir practice, because there is going to be a Christmas program at the church and they asked some of the youth to sing. I've never sung in a choir thingie like that so it's gonna be fun for me. I love doing harmonies and stuff. We're only going to do two songs though. But then, right when we were about to leave, Jerry Byrum (the worship leader) came up to me and asked me if I want to play piano for this other Christmas song thing! So that's awesome! I already learned the song. It's pretty sweet. There is going to be an orchestra kind of thing too...(Taylor's in it) I'm really excited about what is going on. It's awesome!
So guys, comment this time....I know that some of you have commented...but I only got 6 comments last time, and that includes the one that I wrote too! please write...
It would make me ever so merry, and gleeful, joyous, and cheerful, and...........delighted.