Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ok, so it's me again. We're in America for a year right now nad it's been pretty good so far. A lot of things differenet, but ok. It's really hot over here. It's cooling off now, but compared to keep getting all these emails and comments with you guys wanting me to put up those pictures of my new haircut...sniff....well, here they are.

Tak, som to zase ja. Sme v Amerike na rok a zatial je tu v pohode. Je vela veci, co su ine...ale v pohode. Je tu fakt teplo. Ochladzuje sa tu trochu, ale v porovnavani so Slovenskom je tu akoze.....TEPLO! Ty som dostal asi tisic emailov a commentov, ze chcete aby som dal tie fotky mojich vlasov...smrk....tak, tu su.




Friday, August 25, 2006

Pretty Boy

Over the years of all the hard work I have done for my country I have been recieved nicknames in accordance with my doings in life. They were nice nicknames such as: Handsfree, Hejsond, Dr. Gertrude, pinkE, the Hudsonator, Haci, Haznd, Hacikam, Hudsywudsy...etc.,etc....
But just this summer I recieved one that outrates all the rest. Pretty Boy....I have tried to figure out why...and I think I finally know the answer: HAIR!!!

Za vsetky roky tazkej prace pre moj narod som ziskal vela prezyvok odvodenych od mojich cinov v mojom zivote. Boli to prezyvky ako: Handsfree, Hejsond, Dr. Gertruda, pinkE, Hudsonator, Haci, Haznd, Hacikam, Hudsywudsy...atd.,atd...
No, toto leto som ziskal krasnu prezyvku, ktora je nad vsetky ostatne. Pretty Boy....(pre tych co neviete po Anglicky tak dobre, to znamena v preklade: ehm......"pekny chlapcek") Snazil som sa zistit preco...a asi som konecne nasiel dovod: VLASY!!!

So...first a little bit of history.

Tak...najprv trosicku dejepisu.

May 2005; This is the beginning; I'm the dude in the back with the short short short hair. The other dude with the weird face is my brother. (you probably know him)

Maj 2005; Tak toto je zaciatok; Ja som ten Ferko s velmi velmi velmi kratkymi vlasmi vzadu. A ten Jozko vpredu s tym divnym ksichtom je moj brat. (asi ho poznate)

Oh was like this at one point too...

Aha...aj takto som ich nosil kedysi...

February 2006; Here I decided: "Hey, what will long hair look like on me?"

Februar 2006; Tu som sa rozhodol: "Hm, ako budem vyzerat s dlhymi vlasmi?"

August 2006; Voila!!!! So now you know why they call me "Pretty Boy". Hmph....

August 2006; Voila!!!! Tak, teraz uz viete preco ma volaju "Pretty Boy". Hmf...

Man!!! Where did my face go!

Ty kamo!!! Uz nemam ani tvar!

But all good things have to come to an end. So when we got to the States over here it was so hot!!! So it all had to go...

Ale, vsetky dobre veci musia raz skoncit. Tak, ked sme prisli do USA bolo tu fakt teplo!!! Tak muselo to vsetko ist prec...

And you'll see those pictures in an upcoming chapter of "Hudsie's World". Thankyou!

All rights reserved. This website belongs to Hudson and Hudson only. No copying pictures or no copying anything....please...just kidding. If you want something just call me. taxes or anything. This is no joke. Maybe.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Well, here it is. The long awaited (or maybe not so long awaited) BLOG I have been promising you all. This is the first BLOG that I've made in my whole life!!!!=) So be patient with me if you see something that you don't like...I mean in the graphical design way. Hehe...
Oh yeah, and one more thing. Uh, sorry that it's in Slovak and in English, but as you might have noticed (if you know me a little better), I'm an American Slovak, so I have Slovak and American freinds. So...

Tak, a je to tu. Moj dlho ocakavany (alebo mozno nie az tak dlho ocakavany) BLOG, ktory som vam vsetkym slubil. Toto je prvy BLOG, co som spravil za cely moj zivot!!!!=) Jeeej...Tak budte trpezlivi ak uvidite nieco, co sa vam nebude pacit ohladom grafickeho dizajnu. Hehe...dizajn, to co je za slovo?
Jaj, a este jedna vec. Sorry, ze je to v slovencine aj v anglictine. Ale, ako ste si mozno vsimli (ak ma poznate trochu lepsie), som Americky Slovak, takze mam aj slovenskych aj americkych kamosov. Tak no...