Hudsie's World

The cultured, amiable, unpresumptuous, commendable, yet quite mysterious and peculiar life of the so-called Hudson Jones, who, though still being an inexperienced and often ignorant ankle biter manages to survive in this dissatisfactory and imperfect world of chaos.

Friday, September 29, 2006

"MUDBOWL 2006"

Ok guys! Sorry that I haven't posted for a while now. But I was waiting for this event to happen first.
Mudbowl is this "bowl of mud" that happens every year at the Summit Church around this time. Like I said it's this huge bowl of mud that about 150 people got into Wednesday night. Corrie, Suska, Hannah, and I went. It was should I put it....GROSS!!! I mean, really. It was so awesome though. So...I came up there looked at it and tried it out! Right when I put my foot in BAM! someone just totally tackled me and smashed me into the mud. I don't even remember who it was! It felt nice until I got out of the mud and I found out that my eyes were full of it and it stung like....really bad! I started screaming and running around saying "help! help! Water please...*gollum, gollum*" Ok maybe not that, but I really did need water. Fortunately they had water hoses there. So I sprayed my face and all was ok.
Then came the bellyflop contest. Now, guys, I just want to point out to you that the water was only about a foot deep and then there was a lot of mud under it. But there were some places that were really hard and some of the parts still had rocks stuck in the mud. (I stepped on one and made a hole in my foot...but let's go back to the bellyflops that I was writing about in the first sentence of this paragraph....thankyou.) So there was a contest to see who could do the best belly flop into the mud. Haha....some guys were so good at it....It was so awesome! So I went with Daniel and Will (he's a guy from the Academy). We were all supposed to go alone but we went together....(haha tricksssy usss) But it ended up stupid anyway, because there was no room for us to do the bellyflop....So mine was like a half-bellyflop....but then I did a few handstands and cartweels so that kind of evened it out. And then my eyes hurt even more. But the bad thing was that THIS TIME THE HOSES WERE OFF!!!! They didn't work...sniff....It was so bad. So we didn't win. This guy won that did this awesome bellyflop...well, hm....I think it was more of a neckflop. I seriously thought he broke his neck or he won. Then Daniel tried to dunk me into the mud. But I was to quick for him. I tripped him, threw him in the mud, grapped his head and started smashing and dunking it into the mud (you know, like what Fezzak did to Inigo in "The Princes Bride" when he was trying to wake him up) The bad thing was that I did it right in front of the girl that he likes. Oops...She saw the whole thing. Poor Daniel. Haha but it was funny. =) So then I was walking around kinda hanging out with the other guys when suddenly I felt this body smash me and hands grapped me by the hair and started dunking my head into the water. I vaguely remember thinking "Hm....I guess this must be Daniel getting back at me for getting him. hm....true true..." And I was right. He got me pretty good. So I felt a little better after that knowing that we were even.
The dumb thing was that we had to go because it started raining and they didn't want any of us to get hit by that'll ever happen. So, we went over to the church parking lot and took a few pictures of me, and Seth, and Corrie, and Kailey going crazy. We jumped on this girl's car and got it all muddy. It was nice and white until we did it. It looked so awesome. So after that we had to go. I went over to Daniel's house with Will because we were going to do homework for Academy together and then go the next morning. So we got to his house and took showers. It felt so good. I had water in my eyese nose and ears....all over....
Then we did homework together. Which took us about two hours. Will brought twelve liters of Vault. Haha...He drink five....hmph....and Daniel and I only got 3 and a half. But I think Daniel should only have gotten one cuz he got so hyper. Like I mean really...he went nuts. You guys know that I'm hyper and weird but I mean Daniel was crazy!!! He got a BB gun and started shooting us....I was so freaked out and got behind this pillow. Then we tried to settle him down by watching Kingdom of Heaven. That's an awesome movie by the way. So we finished that and Daniel's like: "WOW, that's an awesome movie!" So he ran over and got a wooden sword that his brother had and started hitting us. I still have a cut on my arm. Then we remembered that we still had more homework in our Academy Theater/Drama class! The problem was that it was 3:30 A.M. already! NOT! So Daniel and I worked and worked....and I finally finished but he still had some stuff to do so I was beating Need For Speed Underground 2 for him. Since I am like the dominator in that game. So then we went to bed finally at 6:05. I got in a big bed with Daniel since Will had already been in lala land in the other bed since 4. But you don't know if you've ever done it before but it is kind of weird when you sleep in the same bed with another I decided to sleep on the floor. And Daniel's like: "oh you don't have to do that. We've got another mattres...." "Why didn't you tell me that before??!!"
So I slept on the mattress on the floor for what seemed like ten minutes until his dad woke us up to go to school. Haha....well, that was really weird. Cuz we were still acting kind of crazy from the Vault and school was actually fun this time. There's a piano there, so I played and sang and Daniel danced and sang and all the teachers and students thought we were weird and funny so it was awesome.
Ok, well, that's probably the longest thing I've written here on my blog. Corrie has all the pictures on her blog. So just go to
I was going to put some of them on my blog, but something is up an they're not uploading so just check them out there. Sorry!
I hope you enjoyed this latest post by Hachi.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hey Everyone!
Well, this weekend has been awesome for me. Thanks everyone for prayers and stuff. I just had a really great time at DV8.
It started on Friday night at 11:00. We got there and got registrated. And then went in for the first session. They invited a worship leader for the weekend. He was really good. His name is Scott Tsakeres and he plays guitar extremely well. And he can sing to. It was just him and his guitar and no band, but it was still awesome. He played mainly David Crowder stuff. It was nice. Then the speaker came. His name is Wally Macaluso. He was awesome too. He talked about being a servant of God...and just doing what he wants. Like he used the verse in James 1 about faith without works. If we say we have faith but it doesn't show in our lives it's not faith. It was cool thinking about that...
Then all of the small groups went into certain homes. I went to this guy's house that's in my small group. It was a really nice house. I really got close to this guy named Seth Miller. He's pretty cool. We wanted to sleep that night, but in the end we stayed up all night, which was a pretty stupid idea. We drank lots of coke and root beer, played pool, (he had pool at his house!!!), watched TV, and played Call of Duty 2. Which was pretty sweet after I found out that even when you're playing for the Germans you can have a sniper. Without a sniper rifle...I'm nothing...
Then I taught Seth how to play "The Scientist" and "Bad Day" on the piano. Which was awesome because Seth knew nothing on the piano...and he learned it so fast. He was pretty good!
So we were up all night and then the next morning we ate an awesome breakfast! Every breakfast food that you can imagine was was so cool. After that we had small group discusion/reading time. Our youth leaders Blake&Blake did that. Then we went back to the church and had lunch, watched the Razorbacks beat some other team....they told us to make a video that afternoon in our free time. So we made this weird was monty python/midgets/snakes and stuff....all combined together. Patrick, the guy with the house, has a python...he was cool....he almost choked me when I put him around my neck but he was nice. We named him DV. (short for David Vaughn). And in the end of the movie that we made.....well, I'll just say that "DV 8 Pelican" Pelican is this guys DV8 him. It was sweet.
Then we ate supper and had another session. It was awesome for me. Wally just kind of repeated the stuff he said the previous night and added some more things. then he gave us some time to pray...we walked around the whole room and prayed for and with each other. It was so powerful. We went 3 hours longer than we were supoosed to. It was really great for me.
So, very late that night we went back to that guys house and played some more Call of duty and pool. And then I went to bed. I was so tired....I was up for about 40 hours....oh was bad. Blake #2 woke us up the next morning to tell us that we needed to get up earlier to clean up all the junk that some people left because they T.P.'ed us...(how in the world do you spell that...please someone tell me). So we cleaned it all up...ate some awesome breakfast which was even better this time since we got Krispy Kream Doughnuts....aaaaahhhh...yes. Oh yeah, and we never really did figure out who "left all the crap on our porch"....the toilet paper job I mean.
We cleaned up everything, packed our stuff, and went to the morning session. "Scottie so Hottie" played music again and Wally spoke. Then they said who won the contest for best movie. The 12th grade guys won. Ours was the best though....
It was just an awesome time for me. I wish it could've been longer...and...the bad thing is that tomorrow is school. The theme was "PLUG IN". And that's exactly what it was....I plugged in to God. I feel so great right now. So thankyou everyone for prayers and stuff.
I love you guys a lot and miss you.
Yours truly,
Pretty Boy

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Halo, alle meinen Freunden von Europe. Es ist ganz gut, dass ich in Deutsch fur Sie schreiben kann. Ich bin jetzt zu Hause. Es ist sehr still hier, und ich bin ein bischen mude. Aber ich will auch so shreiben fur Sie. Ich weiss nicht was ich schreiben will, weil ich nicht so gut in Deutsch spreche.

Sorry, just practicing my German. I've forgotten a lot. Hey, all you German speakers out do you say boring again? I always forget....well, there's nothing much to write about anyway. Tomorrow's DV8. I'll write all about that in an upcoming Hudsie's World blog prepared....muhahaha. (sorry Tyler, I know you like to use that laugh).
I've been working out a lot for the past few days. It's been fun. My appearance has already improved in just one week! It's just amazing what YMCA can do to you! I even posted a picture of myself owning those weights....("YMCA...babadabadaba...YCMA...dadadabadadaba...")
Thanks everyone for prayers. I love you guys!

My new favorite word of the week is: dull

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I love jumping. Doing frontflips and backflips and sideflips and 360s and 540s.....such much fun. I will try to get some cooler pics of me jumping later, but for now you'll just have to be satisfied with these...

This is just a funny picture that I found. Notice Kristina's hair...

That was my front flip. My hat fell off in the process. But don't worry I landed it.

I have no idea what I was doing here. Woohoo!!

As you can see, I am a very happy person when I jump on the trampoline.

My Time in the Woods With Cornelius

On Monday, September 11, I was sitting at home thinking: "Hm...what shall I do today?" So I decided to go outside with the camera and take some pictures of the woods and other things. My sister Cornelius went with me. It was fun walking and looking at the burnt pile of sawdust and other burned things such as trees, and turtle shells. I put my mostest favoritest pictures of the ones we took on here. So check them out.

This looks like one of those pictures on a magazine cover or something. Sweet car...

Here's a picture of the sawdust pile.

It's been burning for about 2 months...weird.

My collage of beautiful leaves and a pine cone.

Me showing off my "bow skillz".

Monday, September 11, 2006

Well, I guess I haven't written anything for a while now. Sorry guys, it's just that I'm not really a good writer. I can talk for hours and stuff. But when it comes to writing. Well, I don't know. So here's a little update. I'll try to write something nice and long like the rest of you people out there competing with me and my blog. Hmph...

School has been good so far. There are advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling. It's ok. This whole next week I don't have school because my cousins are visiting over here. So we're not doing school!
Last week we started a thing called "Academy". Corrie might have told you about it but nevertheless, I will have my say (or write) in it too.
Academy is this thing for homeschoolers so they don't always have to have school at home. And also so they can meet other homeschoolers like themselves. So, every Thursday we meet at this church about 15 minutes from here. It's all set up for us to go to our classes that we have. My classes are Theater/Drama (it's really cool, we're like acting and stuff...and Daniel Elliff goes to it too since he homeschools also), then I have 9th grade writing (haha, shhh, don't tell anyone I'm in 10th grade....hehe....I'm glad I'm in 9th grade writing though.....cuz it's not as hard...yesssss), American Government (I don't know about that...I hope it'll turn out ok), Biology (it's pretty much labs only. I do all the other work at home. Oh, that reminds me...I gotta go study.), and my last hour is Practical Finance (it's pretty cool, I'm going to learn how to make money....that's always good). So I went this last Thursday. I guess it was ok for the first day. There are a lot of weird people there though. Like I mean, um...well, I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, but I guess it's because they've been homeschooled all their lives and they just don't know how to act when other people are around. So...I guess I'll have to get used to them. But I guess it went ok.

Another fun thing that I did was this weekend. We went to church and then we stayed for lunch there because Emily's Sunday school class had some party or something. I don't even know what it was. I just went there for the Dominoe's Pizza. It was good. So, then I was going to stay at the church until band practice started, because I was just going to watch the band play. I'm not going to play for a while. So I stayed and Corrie was with me too. We played pool, I was trying to get the XBOX and the PS2 in the church to work....but all the games were dumb...and the only games that were cool didn't work. So, I decided to go on an expedition through the church to find a piano. And I found one that was available. So I sat down and played for a few hours....because band practice started at 3 and it was around one or something...So that was fun. In the end I ended up not going to practice though because two of the youth leaders (Dave and Blake...they're awesome) needed me to film a video thing for them for the youth weekend next weekend. They dressed up as these gross guys (Joe Bill and Joe Jim...I was Joe Joe and Corrie was Joe Mama! Even though we weren't in the movie it was fun to have those names...=) , they put on these tanktops, huge hiking boots, long wool socks, and made moustaches and beards....with markers, and Blake got a wig and made himself a mullet out of it. So it was sweet. And I was filming them throwing things off the balcony of the church into the parking lot to see if it exploded (watermelon, Coke, Rootbeer with mentos in it, watermelon totally wrapped up in duct tape, 5 galons of chocolate pudding, a computer and monitor - that was my idea....)
And they all blew up! Except for the duct tape watermelon. I was surprised it held it.
So I filmed it all. It was pretty sweet. Then we had to clean all the stuff off of the church parking lot (we were all eating it too....the mentos were especially good). Then I went inside and watched the band play. And then Corrie and her friend asked me to help with the kids that evening, because the s had small groups and they needed kid-watchers. So I helped. I had the three and four year olds. It was awesome. I love little kids. We had a lot of fun. Daniel helped me after he was done with band practice. We made up all these crazy games and stuff. And the cool thing is that we even get paid for it. Haha! Isn't that sweet?
"Yeah, it is Hudson"
"Really? Cool, thanks"
"You're welcome man, anytime..."
So I guess that on Sundays I'm going to be at the church pretty much all day. I like that!
That's pretty much all that happened. I'm going to do something. I don't know what. But I'm going to do it anyway.
I love all you guys.
Oh yeah, one more thing the Poopsmith on ROCKS!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Here are some pictures that I like and that kind of describe me...just some cool stuff. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ok, well, I've decided that everyone I'm sending this blog to understands the beautiful English language pretty well. So I have decided to write in my native tongue. Sorry for the major changes in my blog...e.g. the template is all different, my font, my writing in Americano. Well, I just felt like my blog needed a new look. I mean, after all it has been two weeks since I started doing my blog.
I feel like God has been doing awesome stuff in my life since we got to America. I thought it would be really hard...and it is pretty hard to get used to everything, and being away from my friends hurts. But I feel like God has been taking awesome care of me and my family. I've just felt Him being with me and helping me through things.

First it was with the place we're staying at. We got here in America at about eleven in the night, and I slept the whole way in the car. So when I woke up and got out of the car I saw this awesome house standing before me. It is like in the middle of the woods. It is so awesome!

The second thing was how the Summit Church took care of us and made us feel at home. They left each one of us kids a bag full of all the stuff we like (the most important thing is American candy). And they gave us a car (that we all fit in), a computer, a trampoline, and all these gift certificates for restaurants and cool places. And then, when we went to church they all were so glad to meet us and were really nice. I met this guy named Daniel Elliff. I knew him when I was about 1 or 2 years old, but like, I don't remember him at all. He's a cool guy. He plays guitar and sings in the youth group band so we have something in common. It was so awesome how when I first met him, he came up to me and hugged me and introduced me to everyone! It was awesome. I spent the night at his house and we talked till about 2 in the morning. As if we've been friends for years! I felt kind of bad for the s though. They didn't have anyone to pull them into it, like I had Daniel. But we went to youth group (which is called "the Spot") last Wednesday and had small groups and they met people right away. It was awesome. They have a band which I would like to be a part of. But not yet. I gotta wait a while before I get in. Tomorrow we go to "the Spot" again so that'll be cool.

Another thing is what God's been doing in my life. I just really feel like God's called me closer to him than I have ever been. It's been awesome. I've been reading reading James (which I recommend) and now I've started 1 Peter. I encourage all you out there to read your Bibles and just have a great relationship with God. Cuz, I mean, it's been awesome!

So it has been a great time so far. I really miss everyone over in Europe. But this is the place God wants me to be and I'm good with that.

Well, that's pretty much all that's been going on. We just went over to El Dorado (a little town about 2 hours from Little Rock) to visit our greatgrandma and grandparents. Our greatgrandma is awesome. She is so funny. She took us out for Chinese at this awesome chinese buffet place. And we totally stuffed ourselves. All the working out my dad and me have been doing.....well.....I guess it was all for nothing cus we ate....a lot. I felt sick after that. I guess it's not that good for you. But hey! I mean, I wasn't paying while you can!!!!
I met this cool guy there named Elliott. It's like Elliot but with another "t". As you can plainly see. I can rhyme!!! haha!!! But anyways he's a cool guy. We had a lot of fun at Taco Bell pooring "fire" salsa on Susannah. It was nice....he plays trumpet. And I've been thinking about starting trumpet cuz it's a sweet instrument. He let me play a little bit and I got like one note out of it. I think it was a C. yeah. We're probably going to go to a camp with the church from that town. He's going to be there and also my cousins. They're awesome!
It seems like I've been writing a lot. And Dad wants me to go sweep the kitchen. I go!